
Ability to see things in its totality, awareness on your thought process, two qualities that you can gain from reading good books. But books dont have the ability to change people. Change can happen only through a rebellion at an individual level. A change will happen only when a person puts into practice those ideas with a complete clarity of thought. I repeat the phrase 'clarity of thought', because if that is not present, the man who is striving for change is just a non-conformist. He is nothing more than a mad man who decides to walk into a burning house just because he want to be different from the crowd. A true rebel is not goal-oriented, he is like a calm lunatic and he lives and dies as a nobody.  True rebellion is difficult and so difficult it is  the change that you long for. The wonderful illusionary future you dream about is non-existant.The best day of your life is today.

- On Reading Philosophy, Dreams, Search for happiness, Revolution | Talking non-sense over the phone with Thepan and Srank.